Inneract Project - Video Game Design Academy

This is the curriculum for the Introduction to Making Games with Stencyl class.  This resource is designed for students of the class but is available to anybody who is interested in learning to make games using Stencyl.  Each lesson includes discussions, activities, links to audiovisual resources, and homework assignments. 

Each class has a theme and supports the three pillars of the class:

  • Learning about games: fundamental knowledge about game development and design.
  • Making games: hands-on creative exercises using game development software and other tools.
  • Breaking into the industry: giving students the knowledge and tools to start a career in video games.
Click on the class to see the lesson for that class.

Class 1

Class 2

Class 3

Class 4


Overview & Components

Design & Art


Playtesting & User Experience

Learning about Games

Pieces that make up a digital game

Types of games and game mechanics

Interactivity - player input and game feedback

Iteration: Playtesting, Bug fixing, and User Experience

Making Games

Create a tutorial game in Stencyl

Create a game design doc, begin student game, working with Art

Creating behaviors using code blocks

Student game released on Stencyl, Kongregate

Advanced Topics in Stencyl

Breaking into the Industry

What’s it like to work in a video game studio?

Spotlight: Game Designers

Spotlight: Game Artists

Spotlight: Game Programmers

Spotlight: Producers and QA

Game jams, meetups, and online social communities

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